Sunday, May 27, 2007

A week of victories

A hard fought victory. Well done RJ Rugby, esp to my student, Iwan and CCAL camp grp members, John and Jed.

Finally after 7 yrs, RJ Soccer won the trophy. What makes it more memorable is that they did it at the National stadium.

A victory sealed by a brilliant free kick by their very Captain, XH.

Well done Rafflesians!

07SO6A Class CIP - Superhero


At the National Stadium. There are two ex-students in this pic if you look hard enough...

It's great hearing updates from the both of you. Take care and all the best!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Dance Night 2007 - Footloose

Thanks for the visual treat. I'm impressed by the performance and proud of your achievements.

I just realised that only one person in the photo does not belong to my civics class.

Archery 06/07

It has been a good 1.5 yrs with you. GJ.

Pix with 6R... finally...

This is one of those rare moments that I can find 6R in her most complete form...

Monday, May 07, 2007

Civics Class Photo 2007

Take every opportunity to enjoy these moments. :)

Saturday, May 05, 2007

CCAL camp

As CCAL camp 2007 approaches, I am reminded of CCAL camp 2006 where I get to facilitate a wonderful group of CCA leaders. It is amazing and heartwarming to hear directly and indirectly how they have grown in their leadership. Some have already achieved wonderful results in the SYF/sports competitions, others are still on the way to glory. Whether victory or not, they are already victorious being great leaders in their CCAs.

All the best for those of you who are still competiting. God bless!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Pleasant Encounter

I was queuing at the Indian food stall when I heard a familiar voice. It is always enjoyable meeting my ex-students.

so1c gathering

If you are certain with the number of people coming, you cannot be certain with the time they will arrive. I am into this uncertainty principle because I've been reading it almost everyday for a month. :P

Uncertainty Principle