Thursday, November 23, 2006


Do you know what was the best hero in 5.84? Here's a clue...

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Top down teaching approach

On an innocent weekday, I was approached by 3 students for consultation. So I told them to go to the seminar room and arrange the tables while I went to the washroom. When I came back, I saw the most amazing setup - 4 tables joined together with 3 chairs on one side. On the other side, this student was still focused on stacking the chairs. Well done... Guess who the person is.


As I am busy writing testimonials, I can't help to think how difficult I must have made my civics tutor write about me. So I decided to look at my JC testimonial written by my GP tutor and I had a good laugh.

Everything looks ok until the second last paragraph...

[ Woon Chien is quiet (I seldom participate during GP tutorials) in disposition and gets on well with his classmates. He takes the constant ribbing (suaning) of his peers in good stride, displaying a nice temperament and composure. Woon Chien's amiable and accomodating nature gets him co-opted (saboed... there was once I lost my voice and a teacher asked during lecture for a volunteer to attend an event. My peers volunteered me and I couldn't speak up from afar) into many projects avoided by others. However, he has gained from such experience and exposure such as garnering the top prize in the 'Sketch A Portrait' competition organised in 1995 in conjunction with Teachers' Day celebration. His work won the praise of teachers and students alike. ]

Hmm... Maybe I shall copy and paste this into one of your testimonials.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Our Beloved Class Rep

Marianne is a very interesting gal. When she does her work in class, she likes to narrate out the questions and talks to herself. While her neighbour is often singing away, she will be in a world of her world, doing her work.

I remembered the first time I called her name (I thought I pronounced it correctly), she corrected me. I thought, 'hmm... this must be a difficult student to teach in the future.' It only take me less than a week to find out that I am wrong.

I have deliberately left you as the last person to draw because I want to end off by writing about our dear class rep.

As the female class rep of 6i, you have been a great help to me and you always discharge your duties with joy and pride, never complaining about the extra work that you do for the class. Like our dear Francis Sin, you are reliable and responsible which really lighten up a lot of my admin work.
I seldom get to see your playful side but my suspicion is comfirmed after I saw the video clip. Playful and siao! :P

Thanks for being a wonderful student. Stay active in your service to God! God bless!

Our Cultural Dancer

Khalisa has a tendency to make quick remarks out of no where that get you into a burst of laughter. After that she will look at you in a silly manner and laugh herself.

While Annabelle, Pamela and Xiu Wen like to dance by twisting/flexing their legs all over their bodies, you have your own unique way of dancing. I remembered going for Dance nite and enjoyed your Malay dance item. It is another class of its own.

You are cheerful and always smiling which makes you an enjoyable student to teach and I bet a a good friend to be with. No wonder the 'la's stick to you. Though sometimes you are quite animated and comical, I feel that you are calm, composed, gentle and very feminine.

Stay genuine and happy! God bless!